Trademark Registration

Why Register Trademark in China?
Owners of registered trademarks have the ability to prevent others (i.e., their competitors, partners in China, or any other third parties) from using their registered trademark without permission. Your registered trademark can also successfully prevent others from (a)- acquiring trademark rights in your trademark, and/or (b)- claiming that you are infringing their trademark rights. Trademark Infringement actions can be costly. Few companies have the financial strength to overcome the full or partial loss of their right to use their own business name or product name. Consequently, trademarks are critical business assets. Coca-Cola is commonly believed to be the most valuable and admired trademark worldwide.
Trademarks protect your business name, product names, Domain names, logos and slogans. The decision to Trademark is likely one of the most important business decisions you will make. We would be pleased to assist you with the complex trademark registration process.
How to protect your trademarks and service marks in China?
In China you must register your trademark with the Chinese Trademark Office in order to protect your exclusive rights to that trademark in China.
Should you know more detail regarding trademark registration in China, please see the detail of Brief introduction of Trademark in China. It includes below information:
Legal Basis
Types of Marks
Registrable Marks
Search Procedure
Trademark Application Procedure
Examination Procedure
Term for a Registered Trademark & Trademark Renewal
Trademark Infringements
Criminal Penalty